Session Information

Session Structure

The initial session with you will provide me with a thorough understanding of your particular situation, and establish what you are expecting to gain from undertaking this path.  We will discuss and I will document your presenting issue(s), brief case history, covering such as aspects as your early family life, work history, and medical history, plus any other relevant information.

As we are having these initial conversations I will be able to diagnose your life’s issues as they relate to your body-mind via observations made of your body structure and your perceived early life history and how you language your experiences.  From this I’m in a position to identify specific blocks in your life from the comparisons made between the historical profile and observations made related to your body structure and language.

In the first session, I endeavor to commence therapy and through working with your co-operation begin to ‘unpack’ those major blockages that are preventing you from moving forward and guide you into a more enlightened / resourceful state offering you suggestions on how you can go about your daily life with the burdens of the past eased from your mind.

This initial session enables me to formulate a consulting plan with you, where mutual agreement is made on the steps, objectives and goals that you wish to achieve moving forward and what you can expect from me in support of this.  A course of action is then negotiated between us.

It is anticipated dependent on your personal circumstances, that approximately three to five sessions may be required; however remember this is a broader view.

For example:-


In my experience I’ve helped chronic smokers to simply stop smoking cigarettes after one session; however there are clients who have required a follow up due to personal circumstances in their home/business life.


For issues such as Anxiety / Stress / Weight Loss; these issues are not overnight fixes; however I have found that two sessions close in succession initially, followed by ‘maintenance’ over a period of two to three months, ie a session a month has proven to be most useful and beneficial in assisting a person to make progressive and permanent changes to their behaviors.  These changes often happen in an earlier or a previous session and so the last session may not be required.


This area of intervention is highly complex and requires a high degree of dedication and commitment from the person concerned with wanting change.

Again the initial session will be a discovery session, information gathering to gain insight in order to devise a workable game plan to move forward.

With every session; including the first session,  I endeavor to allow a enough time to commence therapy straight away, thus you, the client walk away from the first session with a renewed feeling of well being and inspiration in moving forward.


Fears such as public speaking; fear of flying.  These issues can largely be dealt in one to two sessions; again initial discussion of the presenting issue; brief background and then the intervention commences.  More complex issues do require further intervention, however a follow up session is always recommended.

Whilst these formats seem fairly general, every person is an individual and so each session is tailor made to suit the individual and their specific requirements.


In a typical follow up session, we discuss what has happened since the last session, how you have been since our initial appointment, and what some of those ideas shared in the last session have been put to use in your daily life, what was useful going forward.

Oftentimes, and there is no suggestion in this, however, as you begin to respond to your life in a new and self empowering way, old, long since forgotten issues may arise which is an opportunity to gain a new understanding and thus allow these and any subsequent issues to resolve quickly with your new found freedom of being able to manage your emotional intelligence.  A follow up session is utilized to ‘clean up’ any remaining negative emotions or experiences that would prevent you from continuing living life as a being who is at peace with itself.

Post each session, personal development ideas and resources are given for the continued maintenance and well being of each individual.  These ideas and resources are given and as always one is at ‘choice’ as to whether to pursue these suggestions.


It has been my experience that there are clients who begin to enjoy this new found feeling of emotional well being and embark on a journey to wellness.  These clients utilize the opportunity to have a session once a month; perhaps once every two months.  During these times the client gathers information about themselves in-between those session times that arise.  We begin to see patterns unfolding and it is with this information clients are able to make quantum shifts in their own personal development.

I, myself personally undertake this option with my own mentors and once a month am able, if necessary to clear any unresolved issues that may have arisen, thus propelling me forward as a therapist/coach/mentor  to be fully present when in front of a client.

After all, we’re all in this together, interdependent on each other for our growth and wellbeing.

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