All my love and gratitude

Hi Beverley,

I have been meaning to email you for a long time, but you know how it is, something always comes up and you forget…

Anyway, just wanting to let you know that I am doing great, still loving my new job (well it’s already been 7 months now, wow!) and I have a new partner who I am crazy about. I also just bought a new house and will be moving in with my boyfriend very soon. Everything just feels right.

And of course now the health and weight just happens automatically (and of course as well thanks to your invaluable input at the start).
I have attached a photo of myself in jeans, unfortunately it is not the pair that I bought for myself when I first started the virtual gastric band with you as I won’t fit into them – they are too big now 🙂 That black dress also fits perfectly now although I already fit into my dresses that I used to wear when I was pretty slim.

Hope you are doing great and I would love to come and have a session with you again, not because I need it now, but because of the feel great factor afterwards.

Hope to keep in touch 🙂

All my love and gratitude

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